The software on this page is mostly for use with Orpheus' Voyager software.
You can read about Antispam and download v1.59.6 from here
Here is an archive containing a Settings file for use with AS v1.50 or later. You must enter your Orpheus username and POP (email) password. The archive also includes instructions for integrating AntiSpam with Voyager, so that it is run automatically in place of the standard mail fetcher, or to remove Antispam if necessary. | ![]()
Settings Download (2569 bytes) |
This archive contains a VIX module, to add AntiSpam to Voyager's toolbar. This is just the VIX code - add your own copy of Antispam | ![]()
VIX archive Download (4K bytes) |
Finally, if you have installed AS as a VIX module, you can make it activate the toolbar LEDs and report its actions in the Voyager Log. This archive contains the necessary additions to the AS UserTests file, and a small program !ASReport. You should place this within the VIX directory and make it run when the mailbox is completed. | ![]()
Integrate Download (4K bytes) |
RuleSort is a log-file analyser which will also generate a Rules file based on your existing file but re-arranged for maximum efficiency, based on the usage displayed in your Log files. It applies a weighting factor so that most recent usage is given greater significance, making it easy to adapt your rules file to the current spam pattern. Vers 0.10 handles rules using Lists, and AND rules, and will suggest re-ordered lists based on recent usage. | ![]()
RuleSort vers:0.10 7-10-08 Download (26Kb)
View Changelog |
This will wipe any zero-length files in !Voyager's news History
directory, to reduce the likelihood of future problems.
You can either run it by hand occasionally, after !Voyager has been seen by the filer, or add a line to !Voyager.!Boot do so automatically. I have set up a button on VoyDirs to run it, as it hardly seems worth a VIX | KillHist0 vers:1.00 13-2-00
Download (2Kb) |
This VIX module writes the assigned IP addresses to the Voyager log window when Voyager connects. If you don't know what that means, you probably don't need this VIX!
| ReportIP vers: 0.01 1-7-02
Download (2Kb) |
This is a useful little application for users of Argonet's Voyager software. It lets you change your sig file easily. This means that if several people are using the account you can have different sigs or you could have a serious sig and a silly one. The selected name is displayed on the status bar. It also lets you change your real name in e-mail and/or news, and the e-mail address used in news.
IMPORTANT: If upgrading, keep a copy of your Users file and Signatures directoryThis version of Voysig has proper support for varying sigs in multiple mailboxes, in Posty1.23 and earlier versions. | ![]() !VoySig vers:1.20 15-5-99
Download (17Kb)
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Two of the most common complaints about Voyager are that the toolbar is too short, truncating the messages about arriving e-mails, or too long, losing valuable information off the side of the screen! Here are a pair of VIXens to solve whichever problem you have. DummyGap forces the useful data displays to the left so they will remain visible, and can now include a dummy LED, while DummySpr widens the tool-bar, for those with few VIXens installed. Download the archive, decompress and install using the VIX manager. Neither has any effect except on the look of the toolbar. | Dummy Gap & Sprite vers: 0.02
Download DummyGap (5Kb) Download DummySprite (1015 bytes)
This file makes a backup of incoming news posts, before debatching. It remembers up to 35 of the most recently received files, and provides easy methods of deleting or restoring the back-ups. | NewsCheck vers: 1.01 15-1-99
Download (7Kb)
This file makes a backup of incoming mails, before debatching. It remembers the 75 most recently received emails, and provides easy methods of deleting or restoring the back-ups. | MailCheck vers: 1.05 9-6-98
Download (7Kb)
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One for Vix writers: it will display the name and ID of your Vix/en directory and rename the sprites in it to use the new naming convention. | ![]() !VixSpr vers: 0.02 27-8-98
Download (6Kb)
Here's a little thing I wrote earlier - a VIX module to run !StrongMen from
the toolbar, for those managing their hotlists that way.
Drag the data file to the window in Preferences -> VIX Manager as usual, and then move your copy of StrongMen into the resulting !Voyager.VIX.StrongMen directory You can get !StrongMen from here | ![]() StrongMen VIX vers:v1.00 19-4-98
Download (2Kb) |